
Character: Jack Reacher

Created by: Nick Santora

Directed by: Norberto Barba, M.J. Bassett, Sam Hill, Omar Madha, Christine Moore, Lin Oeding, Stephen Surjik, Thomas Vincent

Written by: Lee Child, Nick Santora, Cait Duffy, Aadrita Mukerji, Scott Sullivan

Produced by: Aadrita Mukerji, Agatha Warren

Cast Members: Malcolm Goodwin, Willa Fitzgerald, Chris Webster, Bruce McGill, Maria Sten

Released date: February 4, 2022

Episode(s) Number: Appeared in all episodes

Genre: Action, Crime drama, Detective fiction, Thriller

Duration: 42-54 mins

Jack Reacher was arrested for murder and now the police need his help. Based on the books by Lee Child.

Production Photos

– Alan Ritchson read all 24 Jack Reacher novels in preparation for his role as Jack Reacher.
– For the brutal fight scenes where seasoned stuntmen would typically be used, Alan Ritchson insisted on being immersed in the activity himself, suffering a variety of bumps and bruises for his ambitions.
– Alan Ritchson said he thought that playing Jack Reacher, a man of few words, would be a cinch in terms of dialogue. That was until he had a scene describing a case in great detail, where he had to spew out four pages of monologue in 30 seconds. That required some extra study at night.
– Prior to the series launch, Alan Ritchson revealed on the Kelly Clarkson Show that his weight was 205 lbs. He packed on 30 lbs to gain more strength and muscle in order to become Reacher.

Script developed by Never Enough Design