Blue Mountain State: The Rise of Thadland

Character: Thad Castle

Directed by: Lev L. Spiro

Written by: Eric Falconer, Romanski, Alan Ritchson

Produced by: Eric Falconer, Eric Fischer, Alan Ritchson, Romanski

Cast Members: Darin Brooks, James Cade, Rob Ramsay, Romanski

Released date: February 2, 2016

Genre: Comedy, Sport

Duration: 1hr 30 mins

When the Dean of Blue Mountain State threatens to sell the Goat House, Alex throws Thad the party of his dreams in an effort to get him to buy it.

Production Photos

– When Alan Ritchson was almost complete with his vision quest, there were two doors. On the top of the door to the left said “Thad Castle”, the door to the right said “Alan Ritchson”. Alan went through the door to the left, meaning he was going to reprise his role as Thad Castle though, both doors led to the same place
– Alan Ritchson can scream with high pitch but with more impact if he is inflicted with pain.

Script developed by Never Enough Design